●Test Pattern「hyoutan」 (RNCD-009,010) 2,500円(税抜) 2005年3月19日全国発売
8人編成となった変名バンドTest Pattern ProjectionのライヴCDとの二枚組。
disc 1 : Test Pattern
1.sop 2.dye on the delta 3.twining 4.pane and panes 5.nanten futatsu 6.shiranai 7.half glaze
disc 2 : Test Pattern Projection
1.oct-slide (live recording)
Test Pattern
ju muraoka , ryouhei omori , kazunori tanizawa
Test Pattern Projection
ju muraoka , osamu yokoyama , yuka fujita , drum dragons hakata ,
satoru shimomura , toshiyuki fujii , jirou okishima , dipper nakahira
All composed and performed by Test Pattern (Projection).
Recorded and mixed by ju muraoka. Mastered by kazunao nagata.
Jacket origami collage by cochae + aki. Produced by Test Pattern.
・先行販売店舗(東京;円盤、ディスクユニオン、NAT Records、名古屋;canolfan、大阪;Alchemy music store、姫路;cafe EASE、岡山;aim record、web;www.ontonson.com)